That's a relief!

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We have four more years with a president who understands that climate disruption is a serious threat.  And we have four more years with a president who understands that electric vehicles and renewable energy are important ways to address this problem.

That's a relief!

But we still have a Senate where it takes 60% to get anything passed since the Republicans shamelessly use the filibuster to block even the most modest legislation.  And we have a House of Representatives that is still controlled by tea-party influenced Republicans who are totally under the sway of big oil, gas, and coal.  (I couldn't help but notice the irony when I heard the announcer say "CNN's election night is brought to you by clean coal" and other fossil fuel advertisers.)

So the chances of getting any new national legislation passed is dim.  However, state and local legislation are very possible.  And with more Sandys, droughts, and increasing extreme weather certain in the next two years, perhaps we can elect a new Congress in 2014 that "gets it". 

A great post-election action is to attend Bill McKibben's "Do the Math" speaking tour around the U.S. throughout the month of November.  See for locations and schedule.

For those in the San Francisco Bay Area, please attend one of Bill McKibben's talks on November 9 and 10.  See 350 Bay Area for details and join us for ongoing actions!

More Action ----> Less Hot Air

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